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TRIO Programs

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TRIO works to unlock your future

Our programs provide cultural and academic support to participants in greater Southwest Virginia to help them pursue and obtain postsecondary education. 

Talent Search

This early intervention program for students in grades six through 12 helps young people better understand their educational opportunities and options.

Upward Bound

This program helps high school students overcome social, academic, and cultural barriers to higher education. 

Help support TRIO Programs students

Your gift, large or small, can help an aspiring college student overcome barriers to higher education. Make a donation using our online form today!

Grow your leadership skills, build community, and support your own personal development.

Get tips that can help you be more successful in college.  

Meet the Talent Search and Upward Bound team and email your advisor.

Unite grant helps open world of STEM 

A teen girl leans over and looks into a microscope in a lab.

For most students, school is out for the summer. However, for about 80 high schoolers from across Southwest Virginia, summer is a time to get an academic boost. Most students stay on Virginia Tech’s Blacksburg campus for three weeks, but about 20 students stay on campus for six weeks through Unite — a nationwide supplemental program funded by an Army Educational Outreach Program grant. 


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